#pieceaday #music #sounddesign #redundancy

Piece a Day - Day 47

A late one today thanks to Transpennine Express and the marvellous tour of every station of the North West I have been on this evening. Still I got here in the end. Seen a lot of mist today, so felt inspired to do something Misty. So here it is.....won't say much as it is late and need to sleep!!Day 47 - Rolling Mist[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Day-47-Rolling-Mist.mp3|titles=Day 47 - Rolling Mist]ZzzzzzzPeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 14

Wow, so it's been a fortnight already!! SO finally here is something in a Major key at last! Finding time to sit down and do this is becoming extremely hard, but I am persevering!Day 14 - Magic Unicorn[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-14-Brighter.mp3|titles=Day 14 - Magic Unicorm]PeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 13

Here is today's piece, done whilst half asleep and about to rush out for the day. Finally something not in C minor....but A minor....I think I am going to have to switch to a major chord sequence soon!! Given how asleep I was, here is today's piece entitled....well Sleepy!Day 13 - Sleepy[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-13-Sleepy.mp3|titles=Day 13 - Sleepy]Gotta dash!PeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 11

Yes we are in double figures already!! I was a bit worried about today, given that I have to be on the road by 9am and not sure if I would have any time during the day to do it, or even access to any gear at all, so I did this very quickly (again!) but it is done!! Think I will have to start using a lot less C minor from this point onwards!!Day 11 - Don't Settle for anything less[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-11-Dont-Settle-for-Less1.mp3|titles=Day 11 - Don't Settle for Less]Peace Neil

Piece a day - Day 9

Today's piece is a bit more traditional and a bit less 'soundy' (if that even is a word!)Unfortunately, again I did this not in the studio, so wasn't able to access proper samples and VI's, had to use Logic's EXS samples, some of which aren't bad, but the strings are awful (cue for drowning in reverb!). I also realised that in my hurry there is a dodgy Em chord in there, which perhaps shouldn't be, I know the iii chord is pretty rubbish, but ho hum time was against me!Day 9 - The shy tiger[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-9.mp3|titles=Day 9 - The shy tiger]Once this crazy crazy project is done, I will hopefully redo this file using proper samples :)PeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 7

So yet again, another piece done in a total and utter hurry (this is becoming a bit of a theme!), but also again on very limited equipment (part of the challenge!!). So with a few random loops and samples found lying around, and some effects, plus a cheesetastic synth and some elaborate chopping and time stretching.....we have today's piece. Now I know it is early and technically I have another 11 hours, but i needed to get this done today as I have a whole bunch of PhD corrections to redo by tomorrow (no pressure!)So, in the midst of frustration, this piece is called frustration.Day 7- Frustration[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Day-7.mp3|titles=Day 7 - Frustration]PeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 2

So we are two days in and here is the second piece!!Day 2 - Options[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Day-2.mp3|titles=Day 2 - options]Thanks to you all for your suggestions, so far over the next couple of weeks I will be composing in the following styles

  1. Cuban Mambo
  2. Tom Waits
  3. Urban
  4. 70's Blaxploitation
  5. Everything :)
  6. BOOM
It's not too late to add your suggestion!!
Some of your have raised a few issues about how I am going to achieve this challenge, given that I might not be near a recording studio everyday. Well, that to me is part of the challenge as I am hoping to utilise everything at my disposal to make this happen, especially as these days you don't really need to be near a studio to record. I am hoping to use modern technology such as netbooks or smart phones to be able to achieve this challenge, and I am really looking forward to seeing what I can achieve. It should be really interesting!! So, in answer to your questions, not every piece will be a fully composed, studio piece, but might be some bleeps from a smart phone or a specially recorded soundscape! Watch this space!!


Piece a day music challenge

Ok, so I am unfortunately coming to the end of an interesting period of work which I have thoroughly enjoyed during my time here. The contract finishes on the 21st of October, and I thought to myself, what could I do everyday between now and then. I was inspired by watching this video of a woman who took a picture of herself everyday for three years.

A typical piece of advice in photography is to take a photo everyday by means of practising and honing your skill, this also applies to composing too. So I thought to myself that I would set myself the challenge of composing a piece of music every day until the end of my contact.

The rules I set myself were as follows

  1. Piece has to be longer than 30 seconds.
  2. Can't be an existing piece or idea.
  3. Can be music or sound art or soundscape.

Part of the difficulty lies in that I might not be able to be near my studio everyday, but I hope to upload some sonic creation or event everyday.

So with no further ado, here is the first piece

Day 1 - Incoming
