
What are you saying? PT II


I wrote a piece about thinking about what you are trying to say as a guitarist, and how guitar playing should be considered like speech. The more I think about this, the more I realise that it is also relevant to what I am saying in everyday talking. I do tend to say the same things, in the same way. I say a lot, I sometimes talk quickly, I use the same inflections, the same old jokes, the same banter, the same platitudes, exactly as I do in my guitar playing! So this lesson is relevant in both my guitar playing and my actually life. I feel I need to do some of the following :-

  • Slow down
  • Don't rush to get words/notes out
  • Pause
  • Breath
  • Adjust timbre of words/notes
  • Use more considered words/notes
  • Think about emphasising certain words/notes
  • Trying saying something I wouldn't normally say

Time to investigate and research techniques which help change the way we speak, and how we speak and apply them to the guitar!I am now making a concerted effort to think about what I am saying and more importantly, how I am saying it....both in life and on the guitar!PeaceNeil

Piece a Day - Day 47

A late one today thanks to Transpennine Express and the marvellous tour of every station of the North West I have been on this evening. Still I got here in the end. Seen a lot of mist today, so felt inspired to do something Misty. So here it is.....won't say much as it is late and need to sleep!!Day 47 - Rolling Mist[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Day-47-Rolling-Mist.mp3|titles=Day 47 - Rolling Mist]ZzzzzzzPeaceNeil

Piece a Day - Day 32

Okay, not sure what happened today, I was specifically asked to do a piece based around the word Boing! And this is what turn out! Erm yes it is very strange and I am not even sure that I can listen to it!!! Once again time wasn't on my side today, what with job hunting and having to think of all rubbish things which occurred yesterday! Just dashing off for another gig, but this one is to celebrate our bass player Ray's birthday! So it should be amazingly good fun!!!Boing! Enjoy!Day 32 - Boing[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-32-Boing.mp3|titles=Day 32 - Boing]PeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 23

Today I thought I would try and do something a bit more traditional song based i.e. no weird stuff today! So basic chords, bass line and drums. I would have loved to add vocals, but I had to make do with some samples I found, and they actually seem to work very well (Thanks Andre....whoever you are and where ever you are in the world!).....interesting little ditty I supposed....probably back to the weird stuff tomorrow :)Day 23 - Eyes[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-23-Eyes.mp3|titles=Day 23 - Eyes]PeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 18


Another day another piece, i guess following on a little bit from what I did yesterday, but perhaps a more modern take. I was thinking of Clapping Music by Steve Riech after doing yesterday's piece, but instead of clapping, I thought I would do stomping. Just a simple stomp, but with a wired dotted delay, thanks to Stylus RMX and Recycle. I like the way the delay decays, and that is what inspired the start....not sure where it went after that! Got to dash to another Groovething gig, so enjoy!!Picture today is of my stomp boxes (geddit!), which I will be stomping on in a few hours!Day 18 - Stomptastic[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-18.mp3|titles=Day 18 - Stomptastic]PeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 16

Something simple today, a little piece for piano, glockenspiel and strings. Again, sorry for the poor quality samples in Logic, might redo this one later using proper samples and mixing it a bit better...oops! Kind of felt like the opening to a thought provoking film about a journey, so I will call it Journey.Day 16 - Journey[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-16-Trip-to-the-cinema.mp3|titles=Day 16 - Journey]PeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 14

Wow, so it's been a fortnight already!! SO finally here is something in a Major key at last! Finding time to sit down and do this is becoming extremely hard, but I am persevering!Day 14 - Magic Unicorn[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-14-Brighter.mp3|titles=Day 14 - Magic Unicorm]PeaceNeil