Piece a day - Day 9

Today's piece is a bit more traditional and a bit less 'soundy' (if that even is a word!)Unfortunately, again I did this not in the studio, so wasn't able to access proper samples and VI's, had to use Logic's EXS samples, some of which aren't bad, but the strings are awful (cue for drowning in reverb!). I also realised that in my hurry there is a dodgy Em chord in there, which perhaps shouldn't be, I know the iii chord is pretty rubbish, but ho hum time was against me!Day 9 - The shy tiger[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-9.mp3|titles=Day 9 - The shy tiger]Once this crazy crazy project is done, I will hopefully redo this file using proper samples :)PeaceNeil