Piece a day music challenge

Ok, so I am unfortunately coming to the end of an interesting period of work which I have thoroughly enjoyed during my time here. The contract finishes on the 21st of October, and I thought to myself, what could I do everyday between now and then. I was inspired by watching this video of a woman who took a picture of herself everyday for three years.

A typical piece of advice in photography is to take a photo everyday by means of practising and honing your skill, this also applies to composing too. So I thought to myself that I would set myself the challenge of composing a piece of music every day until the end of my contact.

The rules I set myself were as follows

  1. Piece has to be longer than 30 seconds.
  2. Can't be an existing piece or idea.
  3. Can be music or sound art or soundscape.

Part of the difficulty lies in that I might not be able to be near my studio everyday, but I hope to upload some sonic creation or event everyday.

So with no further ado, here is the first piece

Day 1 - Incoming
