
Piece a Day - Day 47

A late one today thanks to Transpennine Express and the marvellous tour of every station of the North West I have been on this evening. Still I got here in the end. Seen a lot of mist today, so felt inspired to do something Misty. So here it is.....won't say much as it is late and need to sleep!!Day 47 - Rolling Mist[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Day-47-Rolling-Mist.mp3|titles=Day 47 - Rolling Mist]ZzzzzzzPeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 17

Okay this one probably isn't for most of you out there. Today I was inspired by thinking about the moment the light bulb when off in my head in terms of composition. I was in a music class at school, studying for my GCSE in music, and the music teacher brought in some Steve Reich and it BLEW my mind....those of you who know me well know how much I harp on about what an effect it had on me.

So today I thought I would write something Reichesque, so yes it is in a 20th Century vein, reminding my of my composition classes at Goldsmiths University. Most of you will hate it no doubt, but if you are interested, why not try listening to some John Cage, Steve Riech, John Adams, Edgard Varese and Pierre Schaeffer. Whilst it was musique concrete which truly inspired me, this piece is along the lines of Reich: Different Trains....

Day 17 - Different Brains

[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-17-Different-Brains.mp3|titles=Day 17 - Different Brains]



Piece a day - Day 16

Something simple today, a little piece for piano, glockenspiel and strings. Again, sorry for the poor quality samples in Logic, might redo this one later using proper samples and mixing it a bit better...oops! Kind of felt like the opening to a thought provoking film about a journey, so I will call it Journey.Day 16 - Journey[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-16-Trip-to-the-cinema.mp3|titles=Day 16 - Journey]PeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 13

Here is today's piece, done whilst half asleep and about to rush out for the day. Finally something not in C minor....but A minor....I think I am going to have to switch to a major chord sequence soon!! Given how asleep I was, here is today's piece entitled....well Sleepy!Day 13 - Sleepy[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-13-Sleepy.mp3|titles=Day 13 - Sleepy]Gotta dash!PeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 9

Today's piece is a bit more traditional and a bit less 'soundy' (if that even is a word!)Unfortunately, again I did this not in the studio, so wasn't able to access proper samples and VI's, had to use Logic's EXS samples, some of which aren't bad, but the strings are awful (cue for drowning in reverb!). I also realised that in my hurry there is a dodgy Em chord in there, which perhaps shouldn't be, I know the iii chord is pretty rubbish, but ho hum time was against me!Day 9 - The shy tiger[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-9.mp3|titles=Day 9 - The shy tiger]Once this crazy crazy project is done, I will hopefully redo this file using proper samples :)PeaceNeil