Guitar Lessons

RANT : Online forums, echo chambers, GAS and guitarists


Time for another little rant video. I know this one will probably cause some viewer to get a bit angry, but maybe that is the point. Maybe sometimes it is good to self reflect. In this video I will be looking at the internet phenomena of people always wanting the 'next upgrade' or the 'next piece of gear' without fully exploring or LEARNING about what they already have, LEARNING IS HARD SOMETIMES and the more effort you put in, the greater the returns (and the less gear you need!)Delve in to my argument here, and of course....I’d love to hear your thoughts!Enjoy!PeaceNeil

The importance of keeping a learning diary for your development


In this video I discuss how keeping a learning diary can help you with you learning and understanding of any subject (and guitar of course). Just making notes of what you have learnt and more importantly, what stuck in your mind on a daily basis can work wonders for you understanding, confidence and learning objectives.I always use one of these, have done for years and years!!EnjoyPeaceNeil

Best Advice Ever - "If you like it learn it”, Carl Verheyen


Whilst listening to the fantastic, No Guitar Is Safe Podcast interview with Carl Verheyen, Carl mentioned what I think is probably the best piece of advice ever for a guitar student ever......”If you like it learn it”But this is not just for guitar, but for ANYTHING you are learning!!What this short video as I explain in more detail.EnjoyPeaceNeil

How to become a better musician : Stop worrying and 2nd guessing


A video thesis on how worrying, 2nd guessing what others thinking will prevent you from being a better guitarist! Enjoy, create, strive to improve, but most importantly be yourself. That is the key, it is simple really when you think of it, but in practice it can be a lot harder. The video examines the issues around constant comparison with others (in particularly in light of the internet) and how this can impede your development as a musician, guitarist or actually in any profession.

How to become a better musician

Check out the video below! You won’t regret it!EnjoyPeaceNeil

Profile on

15392797_1846306405613481_5397026900315668821_o.jpg am really happy to say that I now have a profile on the fantastic website. So what is the website all about? Well, here is some blurb from the about section " is a network of professional musicians located throughout the UK and Ireland, tutoring students of all ages and abilities across a wide range of different instruments. Our database of active music teachers is maintained to ensure that students can locate suitable music teachers and have confidence that the information displayed about these teachers is accurate and up to date. To find a teacher simply enter your postcode on the homepage and select the instrument you are interested in learning. If you have any questions at all don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via the Contact Us page or email"" It is a really honour to be on the site, so head on over and take a look at some of the great lessons and tutors who are on the site.EnjoyPeaceNeil