Life Ponderings

What strings do you use?

Okay, so the only question I am ever asked at gigs (and I have done a lot over the years) is 'what strings do you use', so I thought I would pose the question to the youTube world, firstly, is it just me who gets asked this question? and what strings do you use? :)I made this little video, please feel free to video respond, lets answer this question once and for all and move on :)EnjoyPeaceNeil

New guitar music : why isn't it evolving?

So this is just a thought....and it does relate particularly to guitar music....where are we going?? There was an epic evolution of styles of guitar music from the 50's through to the 90's, but since then? Not that much (note I am not saying none at all) just not as much. So I had this though, is this because we are now trying to emulate our heros, rather than innovate?There is so much to practice, so many songs to learn (quickly)...but what are we outputting? Are we all becoming the X factor generation of guitarists? Where we can perfectly replicate a Hendrix tune or knock of a John Pretucci run, but what about our voice?Is it time to stop (for a while) practicing playing 16th notes at tempos exceeding 200 bpm, stop learning every song on the guitar because there is easy access to tuition and develop our own voice and our own innovation?Just a though?PeaceNeilLight%20B4%20Sound

Prometheus: An Unanswered Question


According to Weyland (Guy Pearce with incredibly awful make up) they spent 1 trillion dollars on the trip to planet Lv-223 and as we know things didn't quite go to plan...and it ended in what the media today would have called the 'biggest disaster of all time'. One would imagine that the crew of the Nostromdo would have known about this as it would have been the biggest thing in history?? Would it have not occured to them to talk about it when going down to the LV-446?Just a thought?PeaceNeil

stillness - a music video for 22:53 - Tinnitus (from Light B4 Sound 11:53)

A short and hopefully thought provoking music video for the track 22:53 - Tinnitus (from Light B4 Sound 11:53) for more information"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving." -- Lao Tzufilmed on a Canon 5D MkII and Canon 550D in and around Troon and the Isle of Arran in Scotland, June 2012Filmed using a EF 24-105mm L , Sigma 50mm f2.8 macro and Canon EF 50mm f1.8 mk II lenses.Edited in Final Cut Pro with no colour correctionEnjoyPeace Neil Light%20B4%20Sound

Gigging life saver - Neil's top tip 2

Don't over look a cheaper guitar as a backup. As we know you should always take a backup guitar to a gig, in case of any number of posible problem scenarios (most usually string breakage and tunage issues), so rather than taking your prized strat or Les Paul etc out, look at cheaper but reasonable guitars to gig with. You never know when some drunken reveller will get up and do untold damage!Top Tip 2 - Take a cheap guitar as a back upPeaceNeilLight%20B4%20Sound

Google Alerts for social media marketing

Here is a little note about Google Alerts in relation to social media and marketing as it is a fantastic tool. Google Alerts enables you to filter search results in line with topics of interest to you and then email them to your inbox. This means you can constant be analysing what is happening in the blogsphere, news and other sites. It is very a time saving tool. Many years ago I worked for a company offering this kind of news aggregating functionality for considerable investment, and as is common place now, Google are offering it now for free. I would recommended signing up, and tracking topics related to your business!EnjoyPeaceNeil

Solution to 4 Channel Method (4 CM) using TC Nova System


The TC Nova System is a simply awesome pedal. I love it to bits, you can read my review here, TC Nova System review.

One of the criticisms is that you can't do it 4cm, I mentioned this factor in the review "Whilst I totally understand the reason that you can’t to 4CM (4 Channel Method) with the Nova System (i.e. stump up and buy a G-System), it is a real sadness that the drive pedal (and also technically the compressor too) are lost if you decided to run it in the effects loop.”

It really is such a shame to have to lose the drive pedals (and compressor!) if you want to run the unit in the loop, where it technically should be if you are using a distorted amp, as that method also means that you are also loosing an amp channel if you run the Nova System straight into the front end of your clean amp.

This  is a real shame as the Nova Drive/Distortion are fantastic, and one of the best things about the Nova System, and usually most amps are two channel and you end up loosing what I am guessing is a fantastic amp sound too.

I have to say though that it makes some sense not to have the 4 CM method on the Nova System, because TC would want you to buy a full on G-system at three times the amount! If they allowed you to run the Nova System in 4 CM, I am guessing most people wouldn't buy a G-System!But then I had a thought.....yes I do have them could actually buy another Nova System....maybe even second run in the loop....this would still cost considerably less than a G-System, or even if you wanted to go 'Rack' for the loop, the G-Major 2 is still more than a Nova System.

So what are some other plus points?

  • You can link the two Nova Systems via midi, meaning you could create a very interesting midi setup

  • Because the Nova System only allows you to insert one controller (that is either a G-Switch or Expression Pedal), by having two units, you get back the preset control in one and the modulation control in the other!

  • It would look cool!

  • You get two of each effect block (one in front of the amp and one in the loop), so you can double up on some of the effects....that is use, for example, an Octaver and pitch shifter or use chorus and flanger together for example!

I think i might start saving up!


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Interesting article on the creative composing process

I came across this article about film composing, and it is certainly a very prevalent article about all things related to working in the creative industry. I think it applies equally to those working in film production as well. Well worth a read.