Title says it all ready, in a tremendous rush today, on way to a gig in Wales, so won't get back until very late. Decided today that the piece would be a bit of sound design, so I created to very strange patches using Omnisphere and Alchemy and this is the result!!Enjoy Daily Creation Challenge - Day 7 Rush Rush Rush by Neil BruceRush rush rush!!PeaceNeil
Daily Creation Challenge - Day 6 It's a Riot
Big big rush today, I have just produced a review of the Suhr Riot pedal, so thought I would knock of a quick track using just the pedal, then realised I needed to be somewhere else....so all one take...enjoy!! Daily Creation Challenge - Day 6 It's a Riot by Neil BrucePeaceNeil
Daily Creation Challenge - Day 5 Clear Out
Nearly run out of time today, had a few problems bouncing out the finished product in Logic! Strange one! Anyway here it is, been having a big clear out, hence the title!!Enjoy! Day 5- Clear Out by Neil BrucePeaceNeil
Daily Creation Challenge - Day 4 Headache
Day 4 only 362 left to go!! Got a headache today so this one was a bit tough, a combination of Spitfire Audio Felt Piano and Dry Dulcimer (which are currently free downloads!) with some sounds from Native Instruments' Prism again!! Daily Creation Challenge Day 4 - Headache by Neil BruceEnjoy!PeaceNeil
Daily Creation Challenge - Day 3 Insomnia
Today's is all about insomnia and my interpretation of what the neurons in my brain might have sounded like as they were trying to rest but failing!Little bit of a sample patch that I created in Kontakt, mixed with some Reaktor Prism synth which really is outstanding!Enjoy! Daily Creation Challenge Day 3 - Insomnia by Neil BrucePeace (and sleep!)Neil
Daily Creation Challenge - Day 2
The second day of my challenge, and it is a musical piece today! Created from a patch I designed in Spectrasonics' Omnisphere along with another couple of patches from Native Insturments Reaktor! I will explain a bit more about the challenge in the next couple of days when I have a bit more time!.....and so it begins!!Hashtags will be #DCC (for daily creation challenge) and the old one #pad (if there is space!)Enjoy! Day 2 - and so it begins! by Neil BrucePeace Neil
Daily Creation Challenge - Day 1
So yes I am going to carry on with my piece a day concept hopefully for the next 366 days!! Except this time there are going to be a few changes, the rules are as followsI have to post a creation here everyday where possible (i.e. as long as I am not in the middle of the sahara with no internet access, but I will hae to create something on those days!)The creations can be the following- A piece of music as per the rules of Piece a Day #pad (i.e. min of 30 seconds)- A recorded soundscape- A piece of sound design- A photographThat's it. IT is getting late (i.e. nearly near 12 and I need to post this) So here is the first one,New Year's Eve 2012Enjoy!PeaceNeil
Piece a day music challenge
Ok, so I am unfortunately coming to the end of an interesting period of work which I have thoroughly enjoyed during my time here. The contract finishes on the 21st of October, and I thought to myself, what could I do everyday between now and then. I was inspired by watching this video of a woman who took a picture of herself everyday for three years.
A typical piece of advice in photography is to take a photo everyday by means of practising and honing your skill, this also applies to composing too. So I thought to myself that I would set myself the challenge of composing a piece of music every day until the end of my contact.
The rules I set myself were as follows
- Piece has to be longer than 30 seconds.
- Can't be an existing piece or idea.
- Can be music or sound art or soundscape.
Part of the difficulty lies in that I might not be able to be near my studio everyday, but I hope to upload some sonic creation or event everyday.
So with no further ado, here is the first piece
Day 1 - Incoming