What are you saying? Pt III - Guitar Lessons

Following on from the last couple of lessons which related to thoughts about thinking about what you are saying and how you are saying it. My thought and consideration now is to think of how this applies practically.So firstly, think of guitarists you like.On the whole you are probably doing this already, you might know a few Hendrix or Slash licks, you might actually be able to play the whole of Satriani's catalogue note perfect....so what are you doing in real terms?Basically, copying their famous speeches or phrases, and then incorporating it into what you are saying. I guess it is similar to throwing in Martin Luther King's "I had a dream" into a conversation you are having.Thinking of it like that certain has opened my eyes, part of the deal playing in a function band is that you basically re-enact famous 'speeches' that people want to hear, you might have some leeway to change some of the 'words', but on the whole you recite the speech. So my challenge is to think about something you want to say....in speech....say it and then copy it on the guitar. This may open up a whole new area of exploration for you. Of course, then go back and think of what your favourite players (e.g. Vai or BB King) are saying, how they say it and copy it, but perhaps only copy (learn) snippets of the sentence, snippets you like and try and incorporate them into your own lines.Good luck!PeaceNeil