Technology and creativity - Tocal Day 6

Today was one of those days again, like a couple of days ago, where technology can was a real pain in the backside and really hinder the creative process. Today it was Final Cut Pro's turn. Now I use FCP every single day in my work, I know it extremely well and inside out, but sometime it can just be a real pain, especially when you have some footage which is in a different format, but you don't really want to spend the time rendering everything out into the same format, as you just want to edit. On top of that, the way it handles audio is just shocking, no better or worse than any of the others, well aside from Sony Vegas, which handles audio amazingly well. I guess my point is, I had a creative splurge, I wanted to edit and move stuff around, cross fade, try a few things, but no the machine kept grinding to a halt, juddering, and of course wouldn't allow me to do much with my audio....Will I be using FCP tomorrow of course, but I just wanted to let of a little steam to suggest not matter what the software tool you use, it can sometimes break your flow or control you....your thoughts?PeaceNeil