logic pro tips

Creative Logic Pro X - Creating massive pulsing pads with stock plugins

Creative Logic Pro X - Creating massive pulsing pads with stock plugins

Creating massive pulsing pads in Logic Pro X using stock plugins. In this video we discover how you can make big sounding pad sounds with movement and depth. A great way to move beyond preset and often static pad sounds, which add a pulse to your tracks. All of this just using stock Logic Pro X plugins.

Creative Logic Pro - Logic Pro X Hidden features : EQs and Reverbs

Creative Logic Pro - Logic Pro X Hidden features : EQs and Reverbs

As we know, Logic Pro is a very deep DAW, and there is a ton of stuff you might never find or use with your workflow. Even if you do go on a deep dived there are a LOT of hidden features buried deep down in Logic. In this video I look at Logic Pro X's Amp designer where there are a series of character EQ, and Spring Reverbs. Find out how to access and use them with your tracks.

Logic Pro Workflow // Why you need a template!

Logic Pro Workflow // Why you need a template!

We are all short of time and want to get more music finished, mixed and out to our listeners. Creating a template in Logic Pro X is THE surefire way to save more time and be more productive in your studio. In this video we look at the reasons why it will supercharge your workflow, and give examples of how a Logic Pro template might work in your studio.

Creative Logic Pro - How to convert audio to midi and it's creative uses

Creative Logic Pro - How to convert audio to midi and it's creative uses

I am always amazing at the power that modern DAWs give the music/audio creative, some of them are quite functional, but when you look under the hood, they can be used in amazingly creative ways. I love the idea of taking something which already exists and then mangling and manipulating it into something completely different….I mean that forms the basis of the majority of all of my work!

Logic Pro X - The secret Tape Saturation Plugin!

Logic Pro X - Quick Tips

The secret Tape Saturation Plugin!

Unleash the Tape Delay and find the secret to some seriously phat beats and lovely tube saturation for the master bus.

This means that you don’t always need to go out and buy fancy plugins! Logic contains so many fantastic plug-ins off the shelf, but the great thing is that when you get down and dirty with them, you actually discover that many of them have hidden secrets....or at least some alternative functions that you can use, which might not be immediately obvious!

Tape Echo echo echo echo......My current favourite is the Tape Delay. I use this plug in all over the place as it is a great sounding delay. It got me thinking....what if I turn off the delay part though? What am I left with....TAPE!

A tape emulation of course, so why not use it....find out how in the video below. If you like this and would like to see some of Logic’s other ‘hidden’ features, check out this video (Logic’s hidden EQ and Reverb).


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