Standback Stand Review


The Amazing Standback Stand Review

Wow, just wow and wow again! The Standback stand is just one of those things that comes into your life and you wonder where the hell it has been all your life, and crucially why no one has made one before??It is simply brilliant in it's simplicity and it is without probably one of the best guitar products I have ever brought!!

All Stand

The premise is simple, most guitarists are know for being LOUD and dominating the stage (as of course we should be ;) ) but in real world situations this isn't a good thing and you end up upsetting a lot of sound engineers. The primary reason for a lot of guitarists being so loud is that they have their amps flat on the floor pointing directly at their legs (and the front row of the audience when on a stage), so a large part of the amps sonic projection (and tone) is going towards the back of a pair of legs in jeans and a front row of an audience wincing at the loudness and the high frequency offerings of the amp.So one solution has always been to tilt the amp back. It isn't really a solution, but something that I think most guitarists should ultimately do. Why? because you will instantly realise how loud you are, and also more importantly be able to hear yourself better and crucially dial in yourr tone correctly (i.e. not over compensate for lost highs and mids). Tilting also decouples the amp mostly from the floor, so you will get a more accurate bass response from the amp and not suffer from bass transmitted into the stage (which can act like a massive bass amp depending on the nature of the stage!)So stands are good!! And yes there are some out there already. Fender do tilt back legs for some amps, but they can be a PITA to install. Other companies offer massive stands (I have had a few) and I always feel that this is yet another couple of bits of gear you need to lug around to gigs.So, some of us (myself included!) may be tempted to improvise solutions to tilt the amp back. Which generally mean resting it insecurely on an object not desiged for the job!! I was doing this for a while (using a bass drum mic stand!) until my lovely valve amp fell forwards due to the stage rocking and that is never a good thing for a tube amp!!Then Standback appeared! Three bits of plastic and some strapping...which collapses to the size of a ruler and you can stuff in the back of your amp with ease. It is so simple there isn't really much to say. You pull it out of your amp, arrange it into a triangle shape, lock the triangle together, drop your amp down on the foam holding plate and tilt your amp back....and it is done!! SO SO SIMPLE!!I am not suggesting though that this would take the weight of a stack, but it supports my Fender Deluxe Reverb perfrectly and my Zilla 2 x 12 cab.It is very, very secure, I used it last week on a very bumpy floor and it help secure and firm with no wobble!!What can I say, get one!! ! (NOTE I AM NOT ENDORSED BY THIS COMPANY!)Here is a short video review I did.ProsSimple designFantastic implementationYou can hear your guitar better in terms of level and toneConsThey didn't make it years ago :)EnjoyPeaceNeil