HotCovers Cover for Fender Deluxe Reverb Review


HotCovers 600 Denier Cover for Fender Deluxe Reverb

When we have things we love, we always want to do whatever we can to protect them! With any piece of gear, be it musical or otherwise, using it in a working context can put it at great risk from not just bumps and bangs but all manner of other enviormental factors. Gigging is one area where gear gets severely tested, not just during a performance, but afterwards, especially when you are in a hurry to load out of a venue at 1.30 in the morning.Of course, if you are on tour then most gear would be at home in flight cases, and on the whole I tend to opt for flight cases for everything. So why am I not writing a flight case review now?Well, the only downside of a flightcase is that they can add considerable weight to any item by their very nature of being big strong cases! When thinking about flightcasing an amp, you have to bare in mind that this may double it's weight! which is find if you have a roadie to help you manage the beast, but not so good when you are getting home at 4am and having to carry the amp up four flights of stairs by yourself.So, one option is no protection (now kids you all should have had the lesson that you should always wear protection right?) and if you take this option, you will find that your beloved piece of gear will start looking very shabby very soon, let alone start suffering from GTD's (gear transmitted diseases!).So, the other option is to get some form of protective lightweight cover, which might not prevent major damages, i.e. your amp being thrown down stairs or the general abuse that being on the road may warrant, but something which will protect it from the general gigging knocks and bumps, throws into the back of vans and cars etc.


This is where HotCovers step in. Some amp maufactuers do provide a thin amp cover (Fender did for my deluxe reverb, thanks guys that is a nice touch! I wish more companies did this!). These covers on the whole are pretty good for dust protection, travel to rehearshals etc and if you are very careful when gigging. I actually had the Fender cover for my Blues Junior and gigged with it for nearly two years! Now the cover is pretty scruffy now, and the amp actually does have quite a few bumps, but it did an over all good job!I decieded to look for a cover which wasnt a flight case but also offered a tad more protection for my prde an joy! That is when I discovered hot covers and their excellent range of covers.I opted for the 600 Denier cover (not a fan of PVC and the way it looks!) and I ordered away! I was surprised that within a couple of days my cover had arrived. So full marks for customer service! The cover fitted perfectly and adds what feels like a decent amount of protection around the amp.So I am vey happy.You can see all the details in the video below.In short.ProsGreat over which offers a good amount of portection for the gigging muscian and ampGreat range of covers availableFantastic customer serviceConsNon really, although you could (if you are that way inclinded) think that the prices are a little pricey. But what price on protection?EnjoyPeaceNeil