Samsung Galaxy S4 (and the musician)

Can't help noticing that the new Samsung Galaxy S4 has been released to much fanfare, particularly as it is heralded as the iPhone 'killer'! I have to say that from first impressions it certainly does look very swish (like the S3!) and makes the iPhone 5 look a little dated.So, why am I writing this article you might ask, well as some of you know I am particularly keen to see how mobile technology can be useful for the creative/musician types. Apple certainly are the market leader in this area currently, but I would love to see Android catch up, in particular for the remote controlling of DAW's or software instruments and plug-ins. I would also like to see the equivalent Garageband iOS or Cubase lite versions available on Android, but perhaps it is only a matter of time. I own the older Galaxy S2 and for the most part it has been a good phone to use (if you forget the connection and battery issues I have been plagued with!), but the music apps and software integration with something like Logic, has been very poor, I would say unusable infact! But, from a 'running a business' perspective, it certainly excels over the iPhone, with it's fantastic Google integration (ignoring the fact that Google now know everything about me!!). I keep looking, slightly enviously at those musicians and creatives doing cool stuff on their iDevice. But, even with that in mind (and the fact otherwise I am a complete Apple users), I don't really think the iPad or iPhone to be worth the outlay!I also have a concern, it would seem at the moment that Apple are a bit on the back foot, they are no doubt pushing much of their resource into playing catch up in the mobile device market, with much or their  focus on phones and tablets, rather than the products which made them the global success! From the professional creative/musician/film maker perspective, it seems Apple don't care any more. I have talked at great length about the lack of development or even appearance of Logic X or Logic 10 (whatever it will be called), but it seems that with no new high end machines (Mac Pro's), the Final Cut Pro fiasco, no word on a new Aperture 4, it might be time to step away from the might Apple.We live in interesting times and it will be interesting to see how market share changes to Samsung (and other Android producing companies, Nokia, HTC etc) with new phones like the S4.All we need now is for a company to take up the reigns and develop a super DAW platform (hardware I am talking about!).PeaceNeil