Quick Tip : Using USB Battery pack to power guitar pedals or pedalboard.


Today I thought I would do a quick tip on powering your guitar pedals or pedalboard with a USB Battery Packs. Yes you can do this!! I have been wondering about this for sometime, given how USB battery packs (or recharge packs or powerbanks as they are called) seem to be cropping up all over the places now and they are super reasonable value. The only thing you need to make this work is something like this (Link to MyVolts 5v to 9V usb adaptor) which steps the 5V output of the battery up to 9V to power most pedals. This only costs a few pounds and you can even use it with a USB plug adaptor too, the main thing is it works really well!!I am going to do another video on working out the milliamps and all that stuff soon.Any questions, just ask!EnjoyPeaceNeil