Boss TU-12H Tuner : Oldest Gear I own


>Boss TU-12H Chromatic TunerI thought I would share this picture post of one of the oldest pieces of gear I own, the Boss TU-12H Chromatic Tuner. I brought this when I first started getting into guitar seriously in 1988!! I saved a lot of pocket money to buy this Tuner, after having previously brought a Boss SD-1 Super Overdrive pedal and the thing is about these two items, gear has come and gone but I still have them, I still use them and they still work really really well!! I guess it goes to show, the tuner isn't the most exciting piece of gear you can ever buy, but it is a fundamentally important item. If not the most important item a musician might own!! No it isn't as sexy as an effect pedal, but it is vital to being able to play in tune and with other musicians. At the time, the TU-12H cost a lot of money and there wasn't much choice around at that time, and remember this was long before guitars went total mainstream and the influx of cheap imports!So the moral of this story for me, sometimes it is worth investing in good solid gear, it can in many cases last a lifetime!!Boss TU-12H Chromatic TunerWhat is your oldest piece of gear? EnjoyPeaceNeil