Quick Lick #15 Alex Hutchings fusion lick in C Minor


This is an yet another Alex Hutchings style fusion lick in C minor, a really underrated player who is utterly fantastic, well worth checking out on line. This is in C Minor and is a nice melody slow lick.I will post the tab at http://www.spencerbruce.com when the video gets 30 likes. :)For those of you who lead busy lives and struggle to get guitar practice into your daily schedule, quick licks offers a way of improving your vocabulary and ear in just 10 minutes a day.

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For more in-depth information on maximising your practice time and finding your own voice on the instrument, check out my book Guitar Creativity – A new way of thinking Follow me onTwitterFacebookInstragramLinkedInEnjoy!Peace


Another Alex Hutchings #lick #lesson for #guitar #guitarlessons #guitarist #licks #learning