Piece a day - Day 26

Pretty near to the knuckle today!! What is really interesting is that today is the day when I had the most time to do this challenge, and it was the hardest one to come up with anything! I think it says alot about approaching work (or at least my approach to work!), that is given loads of time to do something the brain freezes and nothing comes out! Given 10 minutes and the brain goes into overdrive and forces something out!! It really is a very interesting observation!! Anyway, today's piece is a simple piano piece which I decided to semi orchestrate, I had a number of strange problems with Kontakt inside Logic today, with a strange velocity switching sound being made in time with the metronome, and then at slight fluctations in velocity! Anyway, here it is, it is called Autumn....because it really is here isn't it!!!!Day 26 - Autumn[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-26-Autumn.mp3|titles=Day 26 - Autumn]PeaceNeil