Guitar Creativity - Finger independence? Chords are your friends!!


Finger indepence is one of the most important techniques to master when playing the guitar, of course you want your fingers to go where you want them to, when you want them to and work independently. Usually when starting off (or even when you reach performing level), you learn a whole series or finger independence exercises and the continue to practise and work on these for years to come. Not only do they help with stamina, coordination and strength but also provide a great warm up too.

So what's the problem?

Well there is no problem!! Except that these exercises can be a bit dull and boring and your mind can wander when doing them (in front of the TV perhaps??) and crucially as they are chromatic, well you can't really use them in playing and well they just aren't very musical are they!! SO, step forward the humble chord. Chord shapes actually require a great deal of independence of your fingers especially when switching between them! So this Guitar Creative Video, suggests that you try using chord shapes are you finger exercise as well. This lesson is using complex chord shapes and switching between them as a 'musical' method to improve finger independence over the more traditional spider exercises.

 Chords are your friends!!

You can download a PDF of the chord shapes used in this video here.The amazing chord swap finger exercises PDFFor more in-depth information on maximising your practice time and finding your own voice on the instrument, check out my book Guitar Creativity - A new way of thinking Enjoy!PeaceNeil