Berklee Blues Guitar | Tocal Day 15

So today after 22 years of waiting, and 3 failed starts (after passing the audition too!), I have finally started a guitar course at Berklee and I am so excited. The first module I am taking is the Blues Guitar Program with Mike Williams. I am really looking forward to actually dedicating time each day to studying the guitar and the blues, rather than as is traditional 'just getting by', learning stuff as needed. I am really hoping to be able to focus on my known weaknesses and develop my style. So in honour of this, I thought I would post this awesome video....simply fills you with joy....In other news, today I think the inevitable happened, HMV went into administration, this is a sign of very sad times, but they had it coming. I don't think HMV really knew what it's business model was for at least the last ten years. As a music lover, collector, I can't remember the last time I went into HMV. I mean as a teenager and older, I used to spend whole afternoon's in the HMV on Oxford Street rummaging around, finding musical jems, and longing to own certain albums. I also used to (when I was working) spend a fortune in the shop. But then they stopped catering to people like me, they brought in the DVD's and games, and then started to shrink the more specialist sections, to the point where if it wasn't chart music, you would really struggle to find anything. The thing I think about music, that appeals music to music lovers (not always consumers) is the discovery of something, the search, the hunt, and going home to explore the aural landscape of your purchases.To be honest I think (hope) that this might actually be a good thing, put music/film/books back into the hands of people who care about it/them. Bring back the joy and excitement of the rummage around specialist shops to find a jem. The same could be said about Jessops, lets hopefully see the resurgence of the specialist camera shop, with knowledgable staff and good range of equipment, rather than low end consumer nonsense (same applies to the HMV model). Let iTunes and Amazon carry the Justin Bebers for the masses, and let the high street (or should that be back street carry the knowledge, excitement of the real deal.).....maybePeaceNeil