Museum Soundscape (Rijksmuseum) // Binaural

This recording was made on the 3rd April 2006 as I did a soundwalk around the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

I love the ambience of museums, the diffuse nature of the quietest of whispers and the sound of footsteps reverberating into the distance. To me a museum is an amazing sound world, which has so many layers, but more than that, because of the big open spaces, the reflective walls and the long reverberance, there is a real sense of depth to the space. It is almost like you can see and feel the sound waves radiating out from the smallest of sound sources.

Another dimension to this recording is that it was made in 2006, that is nearly 15 years ago. Do you think the world sound different? Can you hear any sonic differences?

This recording was made in 3D binaural sound (you'll need headphones for the best experience), so just sit back and close your eyes and imaging being in the Rijksmuseum museum in the heart of Amsterdam.

Recording gear, Olympus LS10 and Soundman OKM Classic II microphones.