2013 - What is the challenge now?

Well seeming how I don't have my piece a day any more, I am going to be focusing on new challenges for the New Year and I will be writing more about this in the next day or two, once a few things are finalised. But, some of them include releasing the new Light B4 Sound CD project, finish writing and record a guitar EP under the name of Neil Spencer Bruce (watch this space) and also engage more with my online community and friends. This means I will hopefully be posting lots of helpful videos and posts on things which I think will help and inform you guys out there, of course I am open to suggestions of any questions you need help with. So to start with here is a link to a very useful guitar lesson, which might help you when trying to formulate a plan for practicing in the new year.Interms of a daily challenge, I am now setting myself the target of tweeting a useful tweet everyday for a year, of course you can be the judge of how useful it actually is! This will also be incorporated into a daily blog post here! It is based on what the ethos of this blog is.....thoughts on a creative life.....So here we go again :)Enjoy and have a fantastic 2013.PeaceNeil