• Bruce, N. 2024, Addressing Diversity and Inclusivity in Soundscape Research, Developing methodologies for under and non-represented participants. Brazilian Creative Industries Journal. 3. 76-93. 10.25112/bcij.v3i2.3542.

  • Bruce, N. 2024, “Beyond Soundwalking, Simulation and Field Recording : The developing new experiential soundscape practice” at Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Soundscapes & Wellbeing workshop - University of Surrey, Jan 16/17, 2024

  • Bruce, N. 2024, “Sound and Wellbeing: How can VR tools be used to study mindfulness techniques?”. at Immersion and Expression: Exploring the Impact of Audio-Visual Interfaces on Wellbeing, MMU, 14th Feb 2024

  • Bruce, N.S., 2023. ‘Extending Soundwalking Practice: Soundsitting as an Inclusive and Complementary Method to Soundwalking’. Acoustics 2023, 5, 788-797. https://doi.org/10.3390/acoustics5030046

  • Bruce, N, 2022, 'Re-evaluation and mapping our sense of place and time with the ‘sonic dérive GPS data and binaural recordings : Sonic mapping of desire paths and places of sonic interest.', Paper , Sonic Cartography: Soundscape, Simulation and Re-enactment, University of Kent 29 October 2022, Chatham, Kent, UK.

  • Bruce, N, 2022, 'Are we hearing the same soundscape? Who's listening, how, and to what?', Paper , Aural Diversity Network Conference (online), 16 September 2022, Manchester, UK.

  • Bruce, N, 2022, 'Extending Soundwalking Practice : Soundsitting as an additional method to Soundwalking', Poster UKAN+ (UK Acoustics Network) Conference, 4 July 2022, Manchester, UK.

  • Payne, S and Bruce, N, 2019, ‘Exploring the Relationship between Urban Quiet Areas and Perceived Restorative Benefits’, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

  • Payne, S. R., & Bruce, N. 2019. DeStress: Soundscapes, quiet areas and restorative environments. In Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics 2019 (pp. 39-46). Institute of Acoustics.

  • Bruce, N, Condie, J, Henshaw, V & Payne, S. 2015, Analysing olfactory and auditory sensescapes in English cities: Sensory expectation and urban environmental perception. Ambiances. 10.400

  • Bruce, NS and Davies, WJ  2014, 'The effects of expectation on the perception of soundscapes' , Applied Acoustics, 85 , pp. 1-11.

  • Davies, WJ , Bruce, NS and Murphy, JE 2014, 'Soundscape reproduction and synthesis' , Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 100 (2) , pp. 285-292.

  • Davies, WJ , Adams, MD, Bruce, NS, Cain, R, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Hall, DA, Hume, KI, Irwin, A, Jennings, P, Marselle, MR, Plack, CJ and Poxon, J 2012, 'Perception of soundscapes : an interdisciplinary approach' , Applied Acoustics, 74 (2) , pp. 224-231.

  • Bruce, NS, Davies, WJ  and Adams, MD 2009, Expectation as a factor in the perception of soundscapes , in: Euronoise 2009, 26-28 October 2009, Edinburgh, U.K..

  • Davies, WJ , Adams, MD, Bruce, NS, Cain, R, Jennings, P, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Hume, K and Plack, C 2009, A positive soundscape evaluation system , in: Euronoise 2009, 26-28 October 2009, Edinburgh, U.K.

  • Bruce, NS, Davies, WJ  and Adams, MD 2009, Development of a soundscape simulator tool , in: Internoise 09, 23-26 August 2009, Ottawa, Canada.

  • Adams, MD, Davies, WJ  and Bruce, NS 2009, Soundscapes : an urban planning process map , in: Internoise 2009, 23-26 August 2009, Ottawa, Canada.

  • Davies, WJ , Adams, MD, Bruce, NS, Marselle, M, Cain, R, Jennings, P, Poxon, J, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Hall, DA, Irwin, A, Hulme, KI and Plack, CJ 2009, The positive soundscape project : a synthesis of results from many disciplines , in: Internoise 2009, 23-26 August 2009, Ottawa, Canada.

  • Hume, KI, Barrett, H, Ip, A, McDonagh, T, Davies, WJ , Adams, MD, Bruce, NS, Cain, R, Jennings, P, Czanner, G, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P and Plack, C 2008, Physiological responses and subjective estimates of sounds : initial results of pilot study , in: Institute of Acoustics Spring Conference 2008, 10 - 11 April 2008, Reading, UK.

  • Adams, MD, Bruce, NS, Davies, WJ , Cain, R, Jennings, P, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Hume, K and Plack, C 2008, Soundwalking as a methodology for understanding soundscapes , in: Institute of Acoustics Spring Conference 2008, 10 - 11 April 2008, Reading, U.K..

  • Davies, WJ , Adams, MD, Bruce, NS, Cain, R, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Hume, KI, Jennings, P and Plack, CJ 2007, The positive soundscape project , in: 19th International Congress on Acoustics, 2-7 September 2007, Madrid.