Soundsitting as an additional method to Soundwalking - UKAN conference poster

Soundsitting as an additional method to Soundwalking - UKAN conference poster

Soundsitting as an alternative to soundwalking offers a number of additional benefits to the traditional soundwalk, including inclusivity for visually impaired and those unable to walk. Soundsitting is a way of obtaining deep immersive listening in a single soundscape context, rather than transitioning through differing contexts on a walk. Both methods are complimentary.

What sample rate and bit depth should I use?

What sample rate and bit depth should I use?

This is probably one of the questions I get asked more than any other and it (thanks to the extremism of the internet) can provoke all manner of responses. As such I have put together the following set of guidelines which I use, and through explanation with my students suggest that they use. I hope that you find these guidelines useful when you are struggling with what sample rate and bit depth to use for your project.