
XVIVE T1 Golden Brownie Review

The XVIVE T1 Golden Brownie is a pedal I have been hearing SO much about recently that I just had to bite the bullet and buy one to see if the hype was real, worst case scenario it goes back on! EVH’s Brown sound is something which has always appealed to me and something which currently I cover with my Suhr Riot pedal when need be. A pedal I really do love btw!

But having said that I am also working on a little challenge project at the moment, so I was also on the look out for a mini pedal to fill in for the Riot! Could this be the one? Check out my video reviewHere is the blurb from the product site!

Product Description Thomas Blug has been sought after artist on the German and International music scene for many years. A very accomplished guitarist, vocalist, composer and recording artist, Thomas has won many awards and his known for his soulful music, which Xvive can help deliver. Xvive are very excited to work him in the development of the Golden Brownie and Tube Squasher micro pedals. The Golden Brownie is like a vintage Marshall JCM800® in a box. If you want high gain hard rock ’80 tones then this is the pedal for you. It has an unbelievable (over) Drive range and is perfect for head-on heavy grind applications. The Pres (presence) knob adds versatile tweaking ability that transforms any amp into a fire breathing hellhound! The Tone knob is all about the blues and soul. Turned down, it is time to rock and turned up it is time to sing some blues. Controls TONE – shapes colour of distorted signal VOLUME – controls overall volume of effect DRIVE – controls amount of gain PRES – takes a sharp distortion and gives it some extra room Foot Switch toggle effects on/bypass (blue LED ‘on’ indicator)

Brown Sound?


  • Cost!!

  • SoundFlexibility

  • Build Quality


  • None that I can really think of!


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TC Electronic Nova System for the acoustic guitar

For a number of years now, I have been using my TC Nova system with my acoustic guitar for a duo gigs and some of my original material. I am only really using a few of the effects in this situation, the reverb, delay and compression, but the size of the box and the amazing quality of the effects is the prime reason for choosing it.

Much easier than building a small pedal board for a few pedals, plus it has an IEC power supply which again makes life much easier the live environment.Since then have had a few questions from both subscribers of my youtube channel and members of a Facebook group for Nova system users.

The questions tend to be focused on how I use the Nova and what settings I used. So to answer these questions, I produced a couple of short videos to help anyone and hopefully answer any questions. One of the videos also details all of the patch settings should you want to recreate me settings.andIf you have any more questions please let me know.


I hope that you found this article useful and enjoy my blog, podcast and YouTube channel. I’m always happy to share my thoughts and to help others as much as I can and I will never charge for my blog content. Having said that, I truly appreciate when someone supports me in return for the time it takes to write articles, produce podcasts and videos, where I share my years of work and experience with you.

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SBM Vlog Updates

For those of you regulars on the blog and any of your new comers, please be aware that I also vlog as well! So below is a play list of recently Spencer Bruce Media VLOG’s. Similar to the blog in someways, what you get is an insight in to the work I am doing, a few rants here and there and some background behind the sense video of what it is like to be a working musician.I would love to hear your thoughts on the vlog (and the blog!).Thanks for your continued support everyone!EnjoyPeaceNeil

Xvive U2 Wireless Guitar System review


The Age of Wireless

A short while a go, I was contacted by Xvive to see if I was interested in the chance to review their U2 Wireless system.Of course as a wireless user already (Line 6 G30), I am full aware of the problems and shortcomings with using Wireless units live, so I was very keen to see what the new kid on the block had to offer and how it worked in a live situation. During the review period I used the unit at a series of gigs and at home in the studio (as well as doing the 'making a cup of tea' challenge'). I feel that this gave me a strong indication of the U2's abilities.NOTEI will state now (as I state in the video), I don't work for Xvive or the distributors, nor am I endorsed by them in any way. The review (as with all my reviews) is my simply my thoughts and opinions and nothing else (as you will know if you have seen any of my other videos), if I find a problem with a product I will let you know.

Cableless or wireless?

The first thing that struck me about the U2 unit (well, actually the first thing that struck me was that it came in a really nice box, and I like boxes!), was how light and small they are! The unit consists of a standard 1/4" jack and a bulb shaped, flattish transmitted and receiver. The shape means that they fit well with Strat style jack, and also on to a side mounted jack (e.g. Tele, Les Paul etc), I did have a concern for a moment that it might come flying out, but after trying to get it to fly out with some crazy guitar swinging antics, the unit stated firmly put. This put my mind at rest as my Line 6 transmitter pack has gone flying across the stage and into the audience on numerous occasions. So no worries on that point! The plastic was fairly robust and I am sure would last if treated with respect, if you are the kind of person that jumps up and down on your gear and treats it with contempt, then perhaps it might not be as robust, but then again you probably break a lot of gear!Firing up the units it was a matter of two button presses to get the to sync to the correct channel and I was a way. A series of flashing lights indicated which channel each unit was on and the process was extremely simple to assign each to the same channel. I should not that there are only four channels available in the band. This make be an issue for bands with a large amount of wireless gear which is operating with in a fixed band.

My concerns

I only had one concern about this unit before starting the review and that was about using rechargeable battery. NOW I will state strongly that this is my issue about batteries, I don't trust them after years of gigging and experiencing everything that can happen with batteries. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to quickly swap them for a new set should they go down. Again I will state that this is my issue and something which concerned me about the unit. BUT in hindsight this concern was not an issue at all. With the supplied double charging cable, there is no reason why these should ever go down. One thing is to get into the routine of charging them before a gig or leaving one of them permanently on charge on your pedalboard.Of course, I then came up with the perfect solution, connecting them to a USB power bank , there are so many was you could charge them using these, including leaving a battery connected. This to me seemed like the perfect solution. From that point on wards I never thought about the batteries again.....

But how long do they last?

I did a couple of tests on the battery life, during gigs and then a couple of tests where I left them on until the batteries died. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that they lasted 6-8 hours constantly on. That is really impressive! That will cover most gigs, if not 2-3 gigs with one charge. They also charged quickly when on charge!

Where do we go now?

Probably one of the most pertinent questions in relation to a wireless unit far can I go before the signal cuts out? Now (bring on the internet hate!), given that most guitarists who don't use wireless units are probably using 3 or 6 metre cables (usually), I personally think that anything further than that is a bonus!! Please ask yourself HONESTLY about the stages you are playing on, be honest with yourself!! Are they that big? REALLY?To give you a point of reference, I play on very large stages and the occasional stadium, and the 30 metres of the G30 has never been tested. The one time where it can cut out, is if I jump down and go and check the FOH sound from the back of the room. If you are playing arena shows, and large venues as a point of course, I doubt you will be looking at this unit. You will no doubt be looking at integrated units to tie in with all the wireless signals floating around (IEMs as well). Just be honest with yourself and your requirements.Anyway, I did do the distance test with the U2, I would say going beyond 30 metres the unit did cut out, but there was a thick stone wall in the way as I went back stage. When the signal goes be prepared for an onslaught of horrible noise. I also did the 'make a cup of tea test', where I went downstairs to make tea in my house and the unit performed flawlessly with this test.

Cable tone

One thing that I found missing from the U2 was a 'cable tone' feature. This feature is on the Line 6 units and basically adds in some capacitance to mimic the effect on high frequencies of using a cable. Basically just a low pass filter circuit. If you haven't used wireless before you will probably be surprised at how bright your guitar can suddenly sound. Line 6 countered this with the option to switch in certain lengths of cable.This really isn't a big deal, you can just role off some of your treble on your amp, but I am mentioning it for completeness. I tend to like the duller sound of a cable, so I always have the cable tone switched in at it's maximum value! I am sure this wouldn't be a massive change should Xvive choose to add it to a future product (the U3?)


The biggest compliment I can pay to the Xvive U2 unit was that after my initial concerns about the battery life, I literally forgot about the unit, I didn't give it a second thought. The review unit performed flawlessly throughout the review period and all the gigs that I did during that period. I was sad to send it back, I will be seriously considering replacing my Line 6 G30 System with these in the near future. Perhaps I might even get two!! One from guitar to pedal board and then another from pedalboard to amp! No more cabling on stage!! That is pretty cool.Obviously, there is a consideration about how many channels the U2 has, but if you don't have many other wireless units on stage then this isn't a problem. Simply put, if you are looking to embrace the freedoms' wireless can offer you, then you can do a lot worst than cutting the Xvive U2 at the top of your list of units to check out. Highly recommended.Pros

  • Very Lightweight
  • Ease of use
  • Battery Life
  • Can be used for other instruments, not just guitar


  • I think I need to buy two sets :)
  • Lack of cable tone option (if I am really pushed)
  • Number of channels (for some people)


Thomann Effect Pedal Bag Review for Line 6 Helix LT

So, I just picked up the Thomann Effect Pedal Bag as a soft case for my Helix. I have been looking for something smaller and lighter than my full on Swan Flight flight case for the Helix and this bag kept coming up in discussions online about suitable bags!Will it replace my full on flight case? Well obviously no!Is it a insanely cheap soft case, good enough for most small gigs and given that I am careful with my gear will it be fine? YES YES YESWill it last for ever? NODoes it cost £17? YESThe Helix fits really well, so well I thought I would do a little video review to help anyone thinking or looking for a carry case.Enjoy!PeaceNeil

The SECRETS of how to play guitar in a band


This is a question I often get asked.....what advice would you give for someone wanting to play guitar in a band? Well, I thought it would be a good idea to put all of my tips and advice into a single video. It is never easy starting a band, and it is even harder joining a band when you don’t have too much experience. There are a number of things you can do straight away to ensure that you are successful, both with your band mates and making your band a success.I would also love to hear your advice and guidance as well. Please let your thoughts in the comment box!Top tips and advice on how to be successful when you start playing guitar in a band.EnjoyPeaceNeil