change my life

Not having time to take time

This seems to be a modern phenomena, we are rushing around so much, and doing so much at work, that there is no time to just take time to just be......and how much time does just 'being' take? 5 minutes, 1 minute or an hour? Does it matter?Lives regulated by time...trains , buses, the commute, trying to avoid the traffic or the school run, we can't afford to be late, therefore we continually rush from A to B to C....everything is so far apart, getting places is such a trial, especially on time....! The stress of being late, the stress of the delays, the noise, the crammed conditions, but no time to just sit and ponder....why, because this would make us late.And then we work later, and longer and have to rush home, cook, clean, check email, be contactable 24/ do we get time to just sit?I really agree with the statement that Time = Wealth, and currently I am skint!Time to change as there is so much more2 life than this!Peace