Steve Vai 25th Anniversary Passion and Warfare Show


A big day today!! I am so, so, so excited to be going to see Steve Vai on the 25th Anniversary tour of releasing Passion and Warfare. I cannot state how important that album and Mr Vai have been in and on my life. Sometimes something comes into your life and changes it for ever, for me it has been music and in particular a collection of albums which upon hearing I knew instinctively that my life would never be the same again, Iron Maiden’s Live after Death, Joe Satriani’s Surfing with the Alien and Extreme’s Pornograffiti being but three of many. Three works of art which on the first time listening left me floored, inspired, excited, thrilled and mostly thinking how the f*** did they do that. Passion and Warfare and Mr Vai have probably been the most responsible for a number of major life events, from being fortunate enough to get a Steve Vai Scholarship to study orchestration at Berklee, through to actually studying under Mr Vai on his Berklee course, something which was totally and utterly life changing. I can’t state how strongly his music and his life philosophy play a large part in shaping who I am.

No doubt I will get a bit emotional during this“That sounds like noise Mr Vai”Review soon!EnjoyPeaceNeil