A song for Grimsby Football club


Sometimes you never know what job is going to come through the door! I was recently contacted by a very devoted fan of recently promoted Grimsby Football Club, whom currently wishes to remain anonymous, with the idea to record a song to celebrate their beloved clubs return to the football league!

Grimsby Football Club : A Song

This to me was a project with a difference, so I jumped at the chance!! There wasn't much time to get this project finished, as it had to be done before the first day of the season. The songwriter had most of the lyrics written and an idea for the style that they wanted it to be in, although we did try a few different styles during our writing evening. They also had a singer with them, and on the first meeting we came up with the style and made sure all the lyrics scanned.Due to my gigging schedule and their work schedule this only really left us with about 5 hours to fully record the song, yes....all 13 verses of it! So once we were decided on the style, I quickly found a basic drum pattern (thanks EZ Drummer!) and set to work recording a guide guitar track. Whilst the style leads it's self to a more live feel, given the amount of verses it would have been impossible to make it through the whole song in one take without and mistakes, or at least the ability to have options. So I recorded a guide and the vocally, we went through verse by verse doing a couple of takes of each....still a large undertaking on the singer, singing over 100 verses in all with all the takes! Everything was done in Logic, once we had all the song completed vocally, we all went through and using Logic's comping tool, made a few comps of the bits were there were on or two small issues.With the vocal track in place, I then went through and recorded a couple of different guitar parts which drop in through out to give some momentum to the piece, as well as creating a building drum part and bass part. Then after a couple of test mixes and fixed, it was mastered and stuck on to YouTube! All in all a very interesting little project and a reminder of how focused you can be when time is against you!It also got a mention in the local newspaper, so some fame at last!!EnjoyPeaceNeil