So it’s goodbye Nova System

As you may know (if you have followed my YouTube channel or blog for the last 5-6 years), I have put out a lot of content about the TC Electronic Nova system. I have been a massive advocate of this pedal and produced a ton of tutorials and video content on how to use it. But like all good things, this journey had to come to an end. Sadly I have sold my Nova system on to pastures new.I want to state outright that this is nothing to do with the quality of the unit or the sounds of the unit. It is just that after my recent pedalboard challenges and having a Line 6 Helix, I found that I was using the Nova less and less. I hate having good gear sitting around and not being used. So I thought it was time that it went to a good home. The Helix has amp modelling which means that I can get by with a more compact set up than having the Nova with a whole bunch of pedals and an amp. I like to travel light! You can read about my wishes for an updated Nova System here.For more reasons and explanation behind the sale, and some info on the recent CdBaby DIY Musicians conference I attended, it is all in the video...

Goodbye TC Electronic Nova System

Love to hear your thoughts and stories on the Nova system.EnjoyPeaceNeil