Recording, gigs and writing


Well it has been a busy few weeks at Spencer Bruce Music, mostly recording, producing, mixer, performing and teaching. All good. Primarily I have been working with the fantastic A Show of Crows, helping record, produce and mix their latest EP. It was produced to try and achieve and capture the energy of the band, which hopefully I did.I have also been working on writing on a few new projects, both of my own and with country artist Amanda-Rose Hill. More of that soon!! Also been busy with my duo North and South, we have had a couple of great gigs and one on Friday for an important cause, supporting Testicular Cancer, under the name of love your balls. Best way to some up stuff is with some pictures.As it is approaching Christmas, don't forget that guitar lessons make great presents, and great for those New Years resolutions, drop me a line to find out about my Christmas special offer on lessons and also don't forget my book would make a great present too ;)IMG_20141123_215130217IMG_20141031_221813409IMG_20141114_105501231IMG_20141114_193311178IMG_20141115_124117856IMG_20141115_135453390IMG_20141118_214947331IMG_20141118_220540635EnjoyPeaceNeil