Piece a day - Day 50

Wow so it is day 50!!! 50 Days and I am still going.....with 8 more to go before the big day next Friday. I am actually looking forward to compiling all the pieces into one mega piece and looking at all the titles. I think it is going to prove a very interesting and emotional trip back over the last three months, a lot has happened, there have been some exceptionally happy times and some very sad times too, lots of things have happened in the world also and it should be interesting to see how the pieces reflect on those when heard back at a different time. So on the 50th day the outlook has changed again......it has been such an interesting and exciting project to do, on top of that it has taught me many lessons, one being that if you force yourself to do something everyday, it very quickly becomes a natural habit. I am actually going to miss it when I stop. But, what I have learnt is, that if I can do it for this, I can probably do it for anything!! An extremely positive message! So without further ado.....Day 50Day 50 - Onwards[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Day-501.mp3|titles=Day 50 - Onwards]PeaceNeil