Piece a day - Day 35

Still going at day 35. I apologise for the shortness of the messages over the last week or so, life is doing it's usual thing of throwing a few curve balls in my general direction, some good and some bad. To be honest (and I am not going to go into it hear), life is a little bizarre at the moment, with a few nasty things happening, but in equal measure some nice things happening too. People around me are very much showing their true colours for better or for worse. Anyway, given some of the strange happenings, today's piece is called inquisitive, and inquisitive in the title is multi-dimension with many meanings. If I had more time, I would have like to have expanded on this one.Day 35 - Inquisitive[audio:http://www.spencerbruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Day-35.mp3|titles=Day 35 - Inquisitive]PeaceNeil