Pedalboard 2013 - a few tweaks


So here is my pedalboard for this year, for those of you out there that like this kind of thing (and I know there are a few of you who do!). Not much change from the last couple of years, I am pretty much happy with everything. One of the main changes is using a TC Polytune mini, rather than the Boss TU-3 Tuner, to be honest I prefer the Boss (probably because I have been using Boss tuners since I was 9!) but as you can see space is premium, so the TC wins out, and I have to say polyphonic tuning rocks! I have replaced the wah, primarily as I have a habit of breaking wah pedals, must be my big feet...but as you can see from my review, I love the fact you can adjust the sweep of the Dunlop Jerry Cantrell wah...oh and I love Alice in Chains, so it looks cool!Biggest change of all is that I have recently switched to using the Eganter Tweaker 40 head instead of the Fender Blues Junior III, which has been an absolute trooper of an amp, and I won't hear a word said against why the change...well I just fancied having some good old Amp distortion for a bit, and you know what us guitarists are like, like to mix things up a bit sometimes. So because of this change I am now using my favourite piece of gear (the TC Nova System) in the loop, I am sad to loose the distortion and overdrive (I know I have discussed this at great length), but it really does also excel in the loop, I love having the boost in the loop to give that extra boost and drive to solos (and the compresor too.So, if I am using amp distortion, why the overdrive/distortion pedals? Well1) They were already on the board2) I really do love both pedals and the do give some different flavours to my sound, giving me a whole pallet of sounds which I need to cover all the eras we do in By dropping the gain on the amp, I can get some lovely crunchy over driven tones, kick in either of the pedals and boom instant overdriven blues or lovely saturated fusion!All in all it is working quite well!EnjoyPeaceNeil pedalboard nova system suhr riot