Not enough time for a sandwich....

I recently came across this article in a national newspaper, and it wasn't so much the story that got me (as there is a constant struggle against the big corporations taking over, robotising and destroying the high street, all in the name of cheap food), but it was this one section in particular.

Office worker Judy, who nipped out to buy a sandwich, admits she feels ashamed to shop there. "But it's quicker to pop in here than wait for a sandwich to be made at one of the nicer shops. I come in almost every day." Morris, S - The guardian, 17 March 2010

That statement that it is quicker to pop in for a sandwich than wait for one to be made really struck a chord with me. It sums up pretty much what motivated me to start this website. Why are we so pressured to eat so quickly? Why is it seen as a waste of time to sit or stand and wait for a unique sandwich to made? Why is there such a rush to get back to ones desk?Of course there is the made of the sandwich itself, indicative of modern consumerism, quicker to buy a mass produced tasteless, salt filled sandwich (and cheaper) than to have a sandwich made for you, a unique sandwich, made (sometimes!) by what could be described as a sandwich artisan.Why not stand and watch the sandwich being made, take time from the day to daydream or say hello to someone in the cue, form a friendly relationship with the sandwich maker, just be....what is wrong with that?I hold my head in despair!Peace