New Website

As some of you may noticed, my new website is now up and running, unfortunately there were a few issues with the update to the new site, so there are a few bits and pieces which need still fixing and will be all up and running in the next couple of days. I hope that the new site makes things easier to find and to see what I am update. There will be a launch when it is full fixed and up and running to coincide with my Spencer Bruce music launch. There is about to be a whole lot more content coming to the site, including new reviews, new video lessons and a new quick licks series I am doing which  ties in with my new book Guitar Creativity | a new way of thinking.So busy times, speaking which, what a weekend, probably the busiest I have had for a very long time, what with gigs and a couple of days shoot for a new film, which basically meant only one hours sleep in 48 hours, it's time to put my feet up today and catch up with the world!Enjoy!PeaceNeil