The music 'business' and lessons from resurgent TV


Just stumbled across this very interesting article highlighting how the now rapidly dying music business could learn lessons from TV which currently seems to be a resurgent form. If you think about it, the parallels are very similar, TV was loosing out to film and the lack of 'quality' product, but subscription channels such as HBO, Netflix started to take risks by investing in quality product, but also product which took risks, and with series such as Breaking Bad they created the next must watch programmes. These were intelligent programs, not sugar coated celebrity filled cheap TV, they took film production values, mixed it with quality writing and performances and the rest is history. TV is coming back, could a visionary in the music world apply similar principles to bring Music back from the dead.I was recently fortunate enough to be at an event where Peter Gabriel was speaking and I got to question him about the future, interestingly he also thought there is a sea change in people wanting to hear quality material, not only just from the writing perspective, but also from the production perspective and that we could be seeing a move back to lossless formats as people start to get reacquainted with high fidelity audio and how the listening experience can be a pure delight, rather than listening to crappy mp3 in earbud headphones.We shall see and live in hope!PeaceNeil