Logic X, Aperture 4 and Apple - what's going on

I have posted a couple of articles wondering about what is going on at Apple in regards to the horrendously long time it has taken for an update to Logic 9. I am also quite a heavy Aperture user, and have been generally happy with version 3, although I don't like the fact it has one massive file to store all your photos, and it does crash a fair amount. But as such I haven't been too concerned about it, but what is interesting is that there also hasn't been a new version for a number of years. Now, I have been considering an upgrade to my operating system as I am still on Snow Leopard, and some apps need Mountain Lion. I am glad I didn't because you only have to spend a minute or two on the Aperture page in the app store to see how terrible it is with ML, it is pretty shocking, it would seem when you do a bit more digging that Apple are loosing lots of customers to Adobe (and Lightroom or Premiere!) or in the DAW world I am guessing the usual contenders.Do they care? I doubt it, why would they, they are richer than most countries. They sell music, phones and tablets. They don't even seem to sell computers any more (real computers that is, like the Mac Pro)Interesting times....PeaceNeil