Logic Pro X or 10 - release date 10th June?

I guess having posted so many time about Logic 10 or the lack thereof update, I guess our final hope lies at the Apple WWDC conference on the 10th June 2013. Being the last big event Apple will be holding for sometime, I guess it is our last hope that something comes out, after that it will have been almost a month  shy of 4 years since Logic was last updated, and that is just such a long time. I know there are some arguments about 'well what more could you want' (better audio editing for a start) and to some extent, if it ain't broken then don't fix itI guess all some of us want is for Apple to cut their b**s**t ...secrecy trend (it ain't cool any more, especially when you are running a business!) and let us know we still exist, acknowledge us. I want to give Apple money believe it or not, I would love to upgrade my dead MacBook Pro (yep it is dead) but even they haven't been updated in over a year), so Apple are preventing me from spending cash with them. Bizarre!Hand on heart though, I think we will seem snazzy new iOs bs and a version upgrade to the iMobile device, and nothing for the creative profession....I'd so love to be proved wrong!PeaceNeil