Logic Pro X 10.2 review released with Alchemy !!!


Logic Pro X 10.2 review released with Alchemy, this has just popped up on the Apple Website and wow! I have been a Camel Audio user since the days when it was just Ben and he had just released Cameleon 5000 and have all of their products, so was a bit disturbed when I heard they were shutting the doors recently. But now we know why (well the rumours were out there), the fantastic Alchemy is the new synth in Logic. Alchemy has been my go to secret weapon since it came out, so I am guessing that cat is now out of the bag!The interface has been updated and it really does look stunning now! There is much more information about the Alchemy updates here, but in short these seem to be some of the other stand out features updates.Logic internet integrationLogic Pro X lets you publish directly to Apple Music from inside the app, should that rock your world, I am never totally sure about this, but if that is your thing, there it is. Apparently, there is also now built-in support for Gobbler, which means  you can share, collaborate and probably back up too from within Logic. That’s a big deal for both Apple and Gobbler – there’s never been cloud integration like this in a major DAW.From the article some of the other things are as follows

  • Force Touch trackpad support for the latest Apple laptops
  • Expanded MIDI functionality, including expanded clock options.
  • Non-destructively reverse audio regions. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Globally nudge by key command to note values.
  • Editing improvements.

So it is a buggy with Alchemy included, and means that there is a really awesome synth, and powerful sample manipulation tool within Logic!!FantasticEnjoyPeaceNeil