Interesting week in music tech!

Some interesting releases this week. First off we have Komplete 8 from Native Instruments. As you know I am a big user of Native Instrument's software, and even develop sounds presets for Absynth . I have to say I love the idea that the installation now comes on a hard drive, wow I can't imagine popping in 35 DVD's to install....then doing all the bug fix downloads!! I am not sure about them removing some of the existing products (I can't believe the Pro53 went from 7)....why do they do this. But all in all a very interesting package, and the upgrade is not that expensive, so I think it will do well!! Watch this space for a review!!and thenReaper v4.0 has been released! I have been following Reaper for ages, and installed it on a number of machines, but never really used it in anger, I have to say from having had a quick play with it, it looks amazing, the install size is tiny....I think it might slowly be taking over, especially for sound design and the internal routing is amazing (and easy to set up!)