Guthrie Govan’s 10 top improvisation tips article

Just read this brilliant article in this month's magazine by the ever awesome Guthrie Govan, where he goes through his top 10 tips for improvisation and there are some great bits of advice in there. I would encourage all guitarists, no matter what you level is to read this article. I was particularly drawn to a couple of the tips, especially the following

Develop your ear

There is no denying how crucial this is as a musician, not only to enable to you to play with other musicians, or to transcribe your favourite songs, but also to hear in your mind's ear what you want to play and know how you are going to play it. I am currently working on a video to give some ear training tips, as I feel it is one of the most important skills to have. It is not something that you can develop over night and can feel like a real slog, but like an skill with the right approach and perseverance you can achieve this goal.

Think in phrases

This is really interesting as this is a topic which I cover at great length in my book. So if you want to know more and explore the topic Guthrie is talking about, then grab yourself a copy of my book Guitar Creativity | A new way of thinking and improve your approach to and playing now!To finish off, Guitarist magazine are also developing a regular column with Guthrie, and this video is from the first instalment and features some awesome advice on bending, well worth a watch!!Enjoy!PeaceNeil