Free music apps and advice ... bring it on | Tocal Day 7

Never look a gift horse in the face hey? Well today, I was fortunate to come across not one but two really useful links to websites which one one had offer links to loads of fantastic FREE music apps and synths, and on the other hand loads of FREE advice on the music industry. So I just had to share them! The thing is being a creative, we all strive to have the best tools we can, but sometime we forget that we are actually running a creative business. With a business, we should be making business decisions and some of these are based on needs and cost. Should we doing a business case for every synth we buy, or every piece of software we purchase? Possibly, why....because it is easy to get lured into the senario where you feel you need the latest, or the best and if you don't have it, then your art isn't worth....well that is rubbish. In my experience, the client doesn't care what piece of software you use, what brush, pen, computer, software system, they just care about the end result. It is sometimes our own insecurity as a creative that makes us feel that getting some new gear will make everything ok. Well is a bunch of gear, which is free....try it, see if it works for you and enjoy or ditch. As for the free advice, there is a lot of it, but there is some great stuff there!EnjoyPeaceNeil