The end of the album?

Very interesting piece in The Guardian today about recent album sales figures in the US! This is certainly something I have discussed here before, but it is certainly yet another indicator of a nail in the record industry's proverbial coffin. But I really don't see this as doom and gloom, the industry has changed, and it is all about changing and innovating within. In a sense, it feels like we have almost gone full circle.....remember it that in the 50's and 60's that the single was king. Elvis, the Beatles, Motown etc was founded on single sales not albums. Albums came later. I think that the situation we have today is one were we need to refocus on writing sh*t hot songs again, not worrying about filling 80 minutes of medium with mediocre fluff and with the social distribution channels open to us today, it is really possible to generate an incredible following for an excellent work. It is also important to remember that with models 'you' the artist are in control much more than you would be working in the traditional record industry model, something else to embrace.So, find you audience, connect with you audience, give your audience what they want, and I am sure that they will repay your work....and remember audiences don't have to be large as a loyal and engaged audience is worth just as much, if not more!Having said that, as I type this, I am currently listening one of the best albums of all times, Jimi Hendrix's Band of Gypsies!EnjoyPeaceNeil