Don't fear the fear

Just think for a second...what is actually stopping you doing the things you want to do? Is it the little voice in the back of your head can't, you aren't ready, you shouldn't, you aren't qualified, what will the neighbours say etc etc. Well that is a primordial brain response that is telling you that you are fearful.But why? Well it is your brain telling you that you shouldn't do something just in case you get laughed at, or mocked, or fail....and that is it.....the thing that may be stopping you really living your life, doing what you always wanted is a little niggling brain response. But if you are doing what you want, enjoying every second, feeling fulfilled...who cares if someone is laughing at you (because no matter what you do, someone will always try and put you down)....because ultimately you are having the last laugh!Silence the fear, but just doing it!Peace