Digital Performer 8 Upgrade

My DP8 upgrade has arrived and is waiting for me at home, thanks to the guys at Musictrack whom are fantastic after all these years! I am really looking forward to getting started with it. I feel this is going to be my move away fully from Logic now, as I simply don't have enough time in my life to wait for the new version of Logic X or 10 or whatever it will be called. I am just bemused at Apple's attitude, and they way they treat their customers, in some respects it is all cool and trendy and wonderful when you visit an Apple store, but on the other hand they are controlling and authoritarian and would never let any negative propaganda propagate, I think they are becoming victims of their own success. So my choice of DP also means (as it is now cross platform) that if I ever decided to fully give up on Apple and Mac, I can move back to PC and still use my software.I am also thinking of going back to Sony Vegas from final cut....I have always love the way it handles audio...and cross fades!!Mostly looking forward to the audio editing, which has always (for me) been DP's strong point.The question is....which PC laptop would you get?PeaceNeil