Daily Creation Challenge - One month in


I am nearly a month into my challenge and I think it is going well so far.

I thought I would take time to reflect and share some of my thoughts. Similar to the comments I made about my piece a day challenge, I really believe this is a fantastic creative project to for me (or anyone) to undertake, it is amazing how it focuses the mind and it is amazing how all of the doubts and "writer's block" problems that I used to have before doing something creative now seem to disappear. Now, I am not say that any of these pieces are a grand work of art or even that good, but it does reinforce the point that about 95% of any creative project is spent worrying about, rather than actually doing it. Deadlines really are fantastic things for creative types I think! Interestingly I have found that the whole "staring" at a blank page seems to disappear, when time is against you, there is a need to simple throw something down as a skeleton and get going. It works really well, because once something is down, you tend to go with it!

Creating a piece of 'creation' be it video, sound, or music really is habit forming, it really is! My day doesn't feel complete now unless I do it now. Which is a really interesting phenomena, I now think I should apply it to other things, such as guitar practice and most importantly exercise!

So what about the outputs so far?

Well I think the fact I have been able to to create a number of films is a good thing, admittedly they aren't anything special, but it takes the creation challenge to another levelSimilarly with the piece a day project, I am not sure I am totally producing music in different styles, and this to me is a problem, I think I now need to expand my stylistic base, and the way I intend to do this is through creating mini-tasks (I am open to suggestions!). The first of these will be 'found sound' February! I will be creating at least one piece per week in February using only found sounds!I also need to perform some basic house keeping tasks to make the whole process more streamlined, the main one being setting up Logic templates to work with. I already have a few but they are a bit messy and out of date with some of my new libraries.So the big pro's of this challenge are

  • My speed of working has increased dramatically.
  • I have lots of content
  • I have increased my own self believe that I can actually produce a final product

and some of the downsides are

  • I easy to fall into traps and some of the outputs are very similar

and my like to do's are

  • Time to do proper orchestration
  • Time to work on bigger projects, including new Light B4 Sound album

Check out all the works here.Enjoy!!PeaceNeil