Daily Creation Challenge | Day 31 - One down eleven to go


So I am already one month in and it seems to be going well. I have written a post about my feelings and thoughts on the DCC, you can read it here. I am really chuffed at the amount of output currently and I am hoping that is the impetus to get a lot more out there. I have also managed to knock of a few quick guitar lessons as well, which you can view on youtube or here. There are a few more in the pipeline in the next couple of days, along with some more gear reviews! I have also been doing some Macro photography and you can see more of this on my Flick siteSo here is today's piece, again I have had to hijack some space on Soundcloud from my syncro:sound account. I will hopefully be getting some more space on my account in the next day or two.Today's piece was written in Logic Studio using and manipulating some existing loops from the Logic library and doing some sound design on them. It is a bit of a strange piece I know :)Enjoy!PeaceNeil