Daily Creation Challenge | Day 101 - Something different!


Okay, so I have been doing the composing thing for nearly two hundred days, and I thought that it was time to revisit exactly what my daily creation challenge was all about, and the core element was to develop my creativity. The original brief that I set myself included the use of photography as well as sound and music. So I thought that I would shake things up a bit and for the next 100 days upload a photograph as part of the challenge! The key being that it has to be a professionally taken and edited picture, not something I knocked up on my phone. One key benefit of this is to also enable me to develop my photography portfolio, along side my music one. (it also saves me on my soundcloud account, which is rapidly running out of space!)So instead of a tune, there will be a picture for the next 100 days!! After that....we shall see :)This photograph was taken on a beach south of St David's on the Pembrokeshire coastline in Wales, using my Canon 5D Mk II and 28mm f2.8 lens. It is a still from a little short film I am going to be putting together.Moment  EnjoyPeaceNeil