Cubase 7 is here (and Nuendo 6)

Wow again I am posting an update about an new software release! Cubase 7 is out (as is Nuendo 6) and it looks really nice (from a visual asthetic point of view) and the chord track looks fantastic idea, but perhaps taking something away from the musician? I have to say I think that Steinberg's promo video is far to contrived and cheesy, I guess they are going for the Apple style, but it is blatantly an actor (and not a good one!). Anyway, I have a little bit of a fondness for Cubase as I remember using Cubase 1 and the selling Cubase 3 VST (wow!), but I have never got used to using it. I even taught it for a while, but I never really connected with it. Digital Performer and Logic, seemed more attuned to my way of work. Having said that, we are all waiting with baited breath for Logic X and yet another release from a major DAW competitor, which looks fantastic, has some amazing new features, Logic X is going to have to be something extremely special, if or when it ever comes out. I think personally that if you are PC user that Cubase 7 is a sensible choice, on the Mac, I would still go DP 8 first, then ProTools and maybe Cubase. These are interesting DAW times, are we looking towards DAW 2.0 or coming full circle to more hardware based devices?EnjoyPeaceNeilLight%20B4%20Sound