Creative Motivation

It is hard to believe that I only stopped my Piece a day/Daily Creation challenge less than a month and a half ago. I was producing a piece of music everyday for over a year, and now since I have stopped I haven't produced a single tune!! It is pretty scandalous really, all the usual excuses start creeping back in....too busy, too tired, too whatever! It is pretty terrible really, it is no excuse! For me it shows what a valuable exercise piece a day was, forcing myself to do something everyday. It draws parallels with exercise I guess and all those other things it is easy to put off rather than do....guitar practice, language learning etc....such as shame that 'work' work sucks everything out of us to the point where doing creative activities or activities beneficial to our health, wellbeing, further development takes a momentous struggle or crazy daily challenge to do?I just stumbled across a couple of pieces I quite like from that period....Enjoy!andPeaceNeil